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I have been watching this for several times now this week, and I still cannot believe UP Pep Squad was defeated by NU Pep Squad for the second time now. Last year, the UP Pep had a few falls causing the squad major deductions albeit the very strong performance. But this time, the UP Pep has proven their worth on the dance floor as they executed a stellar routine not even close to any of the contending squad. Known for their social, political, or cultural awareness themes for their annual  (except for last year’s very contemporary party theme) routine, and their unique moves, UP Pep Squad gave a very clear message on equality with stunts that will definitely be seen on other squads next year. With such confidence, assurance, and style or what is modernly referred to as “swag”, the UP Pep Squad has a pool of performers who understand what they are doing.

Looking forward for their next year’s performance.

First hair cut

I always wanted Siri to grow her hair and ultimately groom her like a diva. We used to have endless grooming sessions before but to my disappointment, her hair seems to grow slowly. I eventually lost my patience when i had to deal with the uncontrollable matting of her hair. So last February, I decided to take her to her first professional grooming session. I had to leave her in the Angeles Animal Clinic because there were a number of dogs waiting in queue. I never realized that dogs (or dog owners) can be so vain. After two hours, I went back and saw Siri in her new hair cut. She looked at me with so much pain, as if I abandoned her for a couple of hours in the hands of strangers. She also didn’t look comfortable in her new haircut. I began to wonder to dogs have the sense of public shame for having their natural hair/fur shaved from them.

I felt guilty for leaving her. But I was relieved that I won’t be dealing with her matted hair again, or at least for a few months.

Her hair has grown back and she is about to go back to Animal Clinic next week. But I promise to stay by her side this time.


baby boy

baby boy

our dear baby Archie has turned one recently 🙂

bite me

Everyone knows that I hate dogs. I was just so freaking brutal to these creatures and although I neither like cats, I think I prefer the feline pet over the smelly canines. My family and all my friends know how brutal I am to dogs.

Then last month, I met Bruce at jojo’s place. (Bruce Wayne-because Bruce looks like a bat.hehehehehehe). He is tiny, adorable and so freaking sweet. I don’t know what happened but I just automatically fell in love with him. So Jojo gave him to me. From that day on, I started to build endearment so close to actually love this animal. I found myself searching for sites on how to take good care of a dog.Well I guess that’s supposed to be good.
